Windows: Enhancing Your Home’s Beauty
Are your old windows taking away from the curb appeal of your home? Aging windows can not only put a blemish on the curb appeal of your home, but they can also compromise energy efficiency and...
Summer Jobs: Vinyl Siding, Windows, Doors & More!
The team from BEST CAN have been working hard to help homeowners across Ottawa put checkmarks against their "to do" lists. If you have a growing list which includes exterior projects like vinyl...
Summer Maintenance of Vinyl Siding
While rainwater can certainly help keep your home's exterior vinyl siding looking clean, drought conditions across Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley have lead to siding looking a little dirty and tired....
Window Materials and Choosing The Right Fit
At BestCan, we often receive phone calls asking for insight on why there are so few window "choices". When we ask the caller to clarify what "choices", we discover the question is really about...
BestCan: Ottawa’s Window and Door Company
Did you know BestCan has been serving the Ottawa and Outaouais region since 1970? Over the course of the last 40+ years, we have witnessed the windows, doors and home renovations industry undergo an...
Spring Maintenance – Gutter Cleaning
Spring has officially arrived in Ottawa. This means there are a slew of chores for homeowners to undertake. One task often forgotten but critically important is gutter cleaning. This maintenance...
Spring Window Cleaning Tip – Clean the Screen
Spring is in the air and many homeowners want the light to shine in. Before you jump up to grab your bottle of eco-friendly glass cleaner, consider tackling the screen first. Most homeowners keep...
Stittsville: Windows, Front & Patio Door and Chimney Reconstruction
The family choose a classic white scheme, which helps draw the eye towards the rich patina of the curved copper top on the bay window. BestCan also installed a new patio door at the rear of the home and completed some chimney repairs.
BestCan Coupon in Ottawa’s Finest
The Spring edition of Ottawa's Finest Values & Savings arrived in mailboxes around the region this week. If replacement windows, new doors, vinyl siding, roofing, eavestrough, or home...
Adding a Roof Slope to a Flat Roof Home
Ottawa is home to many unique styles of homes, each showcasing their unique personality and flair. From grand entryways to victorian era picture windows, you may even spot Spanish tile roofs or...
Retrofitting Windows in Ottawa
If you attended the Ottawa Home + Garden Show over Easter weekend, you may have heard mention of companies offering window inserts or retrofitting windows in Ottawa. Window retrofitting is just one...
Did you spot BestCan in Ottawa’s Finest?
How do you know spring has arrived in Ottawa? You find a copy of Ottawa's Finest in your mailbox! Be sure to check out the Spring 2016 edition which contains a...
BestCan Showcases Renovations at Ottawa Home + Garden Show
The team from BestCan is going to be spending the Easter long weekend showcasing our windows, doors and home renovation services at the Ottawa Home + Garden Show. And yes, we will have some...
Door Installation Services in Ottawa
BestCan Windows, Doors & Home Renovations has been providing door installation services in Ottawa since 1970. In the same vein as windows, entry doors are key to your home's style, security and...
CMHC Guide to Windows, Moisture & Air Quality
Further to our recent post about the causes of window condensation, we would like to share a wonderful resource from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Their publication entitled...
Window Condensation
During the winter months, the team at BestCan is often receives calls or emails about "window condensation". In some cases, the windows are 15 to 20 years old, in other cases the windows are...