Everybody knows a fresh coat of paint can transform a room. But, while most people know how to splash some paint on the walls, getting an even spread up to and onto the ceiling (while avoiding drips on the floor) can be a challenge.
In this blog, we’re going to share some knowledge gained from years of practical painting experience. We’re pros now because we made all the mistakes already!
What You Need
While everyone has their own way of painting, there are a few things that you need to help you achieve your painting goals.
Drop sheet/cloth: Plastic is the cheapest option, by far. You can find them at your local dollar store, and they’ll do the job. For something more sturdy (and reusable), invest in something a canva drop cloth.
What is a canvas drop cloth?
Canvas Drop Cloths are made of AAA grade, heavy duty cotton canvas fabric. The repel paint spills, protects carpet and flooring. Canvas drop cloths are durable, long lasting and reusable.
Paint: Ceiling white is the best choice, in our opinion. If the ceiling is new or has already been painted, skip the undercoat. It is ready to paint after a light sand and a quick wipedown.
Sandpaper: 100 grit is perfect for a light sanding.
When shopping for sandpaper, keep in mind:
- The higher the number, the smaller the grains and finer sandpaper.
- The lower numbers indicate larger grains and coarse sandpaper.
On the Coated Abrasive Manufacturers Institute (CAMI) scale, sandpaper grit is measured in microns. The small grains on 100-grit sandpaper measure approximately 141 microns in size.
Paint, brushes, roller, roller tray: It is difficult to paint any room properly without them.
Extension pole/Ladder: Unless you’re super tall or have really long arms, you’ll need these too!
Bucket/container: Carrying the whole can on the ladder with you can be risky. We’ve seen the videos. (Watch out: swear word)
Painting A Room In 5-Steps
1) The Ceiling: The ceiling should always be painted first. In our opinion, white paint is the best choice, and if the ceiling is new or has already been painted, skip the undercoat. It is ready to paint after a light sand and a quick wipedown.
2) The Walls: Once the ceiling has dried, the walls should be cut and rolled with at least two coats. Use primer on tough spots before the top coats of paint are applied.
3) The Skirting Boards aka. Baseboards: These are generally painted with a semi-gloss or a high-gloss finish. Use masking/painters tape to cover the immediate area above the trim. Just make sure the wall paint has dried first!
4) The Window and Door Frames: Just like the baseboards, preparation is key. Fill any nail holes, and make sure that rough edges are sanded down before you apply the finish coat.
5) The Doors: You should tackle the doors last. The paintbrush should follow the grain of the wood, and much like the walls, the ceiling and the trim, two coats will usually be sufficient.
Tips For Painting With A Roller
- Don’t overload the roller with paint.
- To ensure an even coat, start away from the corner of the room and work your way back using a ‘W formation’ with the roller.
- Don’t push down too hard. This will accentuate lines.
- Make sure the first roll of the roller is away from you.